Gramophone Repairs Christchurch, if you own an old gramophone and you would like to bring it back to life again you have landed on the right page.
There are some common problems listed below:
Is my gramophone spring broken?
There are some simple tests you can do at home to determine whether your spring is broken.
Put the winding handle in and try turning it. If it just goes round and round without ever getting harder to turn, then the spring is probably broken in the middle.
If it winds for a bit, getting slightly harder to turn until there comes a sort of ‘slooping’ noise, following which the handle goes slack again, then the spring is probably broken at the outside edge.
Either way, it’s not looking good.
The multiple spring motors used in gramophone table-top and freestanding cabinet machines if they have the floating speed indicator used on some HMV models are nearly always jammed up solid.
Whilst fixing your gramophone it is a good idea to service your machine so it will give you endless pleasure and help it last another 100 years.
A gramophone service includes the following.
For repairs, please send me a photo of the gramophone or phonograph with its lid open and a photo of the problem plus a full picture of the gramophone.
As well as servicing your machine to put it into full working order and renovating it to stabilise any obvious structural problems.
Gramophone renovation includes work on the casing of the machine as well as carrying out any necessary repairs.
Please enquire about renovating your gramophone, since every item varies according to how much wear it has had, and how perfect a finish you would like.
If you are not sure whether to renovate your machine or not, you are welcome to send me photographs so that we can estimate the likely cost of renovation.
Please send either videos or photos of:
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