Phil From The Fixit Factory Christchurch is a skilled craftsman with years of experience in repairing and restoring all types of metal objects, including trunks. His expertise is highly sought after by clients looking to restore their old metal trunks to their former glory.
In the process of repairing and
restoring a metal trunk, Phil begins by carefully assessing the damage and identifying the areas that require attention. He then sets to work repairing any holes, dents, or rust on the trunk. This involves using specialised tools and techniques to carefully reshape the metal and remove any corrosion. Once the damaged areas have been repaired, Phil proceeds to restore any tarnishing that may have occurred due to exposure to the elements.
The next step in the restoration process is to remove the old paint from the trunk. This is a delicate process that requires careful attention to detail to avoid damaging the underlying metal. Phil uses a range of techniques, including sandblasting and chemical stripping, to remove the old paint and prepare the metal for repainting.
Once the trunk has been fully restored and repainted, Phil adds a new brass locking hasp replacing the old broken one. The end result is a beautifully restored metal trunk that looks as good as new and will provide years of reliable service.
Overall, Phil From The Fixit Factory Christchurch is a highly skilled and experienced craftsman who is dedicated to providing his clients with the best possible service. If you have an old metal trunk that requires repair or restoration, Phil is the expert you can trust to get the job done right.
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