Upcycled Items Artwork from recycled items into one-off pieces of art. using recycled materials from The Fixit Factory Workshop Christchurch.
No matter how hard the Fixit Factory team try, there will always be some things that cannot be fixed.
Very little is thrown away though because Phil is inspired by the concept of Steam Punk.
He’s turned many ordinary items into abstract creations and pieces of handmade art, lamps and corporate signs made from old motorcycle chains, and massage table parts turned into robots
… the possibilities are endless and limited only by the pile of parts slowly collecting in the corner of his Christchurch workshop!
Give Phil A Call Now On 0274 477 868
All the upcycled art creations are for sale and one-off specials can be made to order.
If you have an idea for recycling or reusing something talk to Phil and see what you can do together.
So, if you have anything in your house that is broken but too good to throw away, you should call The Fixit Factory and see if we can help.
Give Phil A Call Now On 0274 477 868
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